3000 р.

Топ-20 олимпийских татуировок

Канадская пловчиха перед стартом соревнований в «Водном центре» Лондона.

A Canadian swimmer sports an Olympic rings tattoo at the Aquatics Centre before the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games in London July 27, 2012.  REUTERS-Jorge Silva 

Татуировка-бабочка итальянской гимнастки Ванессы  Феррари.

The butterfly tattoo of Vanessa Ferrari of Italy is seen as she attends a gymnastics training session at the O2 Arena before the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games July 26, 2012. REUTERS-Dylan Martinez  
Татуировка Хатуны Лориг из США и ее колчан со стрелами, на котором изображен американский орел.

Khatuna Lorig of the U.S. reaches for an arrow from her quiver sporting a picture of an American bald eagle in the women's archery team quarterfinals at the Lords Cricket Ground during the London 2012 Olympic Games July 29, 2012. REUTERS-Suhaib Salem 
Татуировка на спине польской гимнастки Марты Пиан-Кулеши.

An Olympic tattoo is seen on Marta Pihan-Kulesza of Poland's back during the balance beam event during the women's gymnastics qualification at the North Greenwich Arena during the London 2012 Olympic Games July 29, 2012. REUTERS-Dylan Martinez 
Игрок женской сборной Бразилии по баскетболу Эрика во время матча на арене «Кристал Пэлас».

The tattoo of Erika of Brazil's women's basketball team is seen during a team practice session in the Crystal Palace in London before the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games, REUTERS-Sergio Moraes 
Итальянка Илария Бианки готовится к заплыву в бассейне «Водного центра» Лондона.

Italy's Ilaria Bianchi prepares to train at the main pool at the Aquatics Centre before the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games in London July 26, 2012. REUTERS-Jorge Silva 
Спортсмен из Молдовы Василий Белоус в боксерском поединке против Селемани Кидунды из Танзании.

Moldova's Vasilii Belous (L) sports a tattoo as he fights against Tanzania's Selemani Kidunda during the men's welter (69kg) Round of 32 boxing match at ExCeL venue during the London 2012 Olympic Games July 29, 2012. REUTERS-Murad Sezer 
Татуировка американского гимнаста Джонатана Хортона.

A USA tattoo is seen under U.S. gymnast Jonathan Horton's leotard during the men's gymnastics qualification in the North Greenwich Arena during the London 2012 Olympic Games July 28, 2012. REUTERS-Mike Blake 
Олимпийские кольца на руке американской лучницы Хатуны Лориг .

An Olympic rings tattoo of Khatuna Lorig of the U.S. is seen during the women's archery individual ranking round of the London 2012 Olympics Games at the Lords Cricket Ground in London July 27, 2012. REUTERS-Suhaib Salem 
Татуировка с библейским мотивом на руке американца Брэди Эллисона.

A tattoo of a Bible verse is seen on the hands of Brady Ellison of the U.S. as he prepares to take aim during the men's archery team quaterfinals at the Lords Cricket Ground during the London 2012 Olympics Games July 28, 2012. REUTERS-Suhaib Salem 
«Быть достойным» – слова на теле британского гимнаста Луи Смита.

A tattoo including the word 'Deserve' is seen under Louis Smith of Great Britain's leotard during the men's gymnastics qualification in the North Greenwich Arena during the London 2012 Olympic Games July 28, 2012. REUTERS-Mike Blake 
Прыгунья на Олимпийских играх в Лондоне.

A diver practices before the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games July 26, 2012. REUTERS-Jorge Silva 
Бразилец Элисон на соревнованиях по пляжному волейболу.

Brazil's Alison practices for the men's beach volleyball competition for the London 2012 Olympic Games, in London July 26, 2012. REUTERS-Sergio Moraes 
Итальянка Федерика Пеллегрини слушает наставления тренера.

Italy's Federica Pellegrini listens to a coach before training at the main pool at the Aquatics Centre before the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games in London July 26, 2012. REUTERS-Jorge Silva 
Француз Амори Леву надевает очки перед стартом соревнований в «Водном центре».

France's Amaury Leveaux puts on his goggles during training at the main pool at the Aquatics Centre before the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games July 26, 2012. REUTERS-David Gray 
Олимпийские кольца на спине американской пловчихи.

A tattoo of the Olympic rings is seen on a member of the U.S. national Olympic swimming team during a training session at the main pool of the Aquatics Centre before the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games in London July 26, 2012. REUTERS-Jorge Silva 
Американец Энтони Эрвин во время тренировки в «Водном центре» Лондона.

Anthony Ervin of the U.S. attends a training session at the main pool of the Aquatics Centre before the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games in London July 25, 2012. REUTERS-Tim Wimborne 
Член олимпийской команды Германии Сара Пау  во время открытой тренировки перед представителями СМИ.

Sarah Poewe of the German national Olympic swimming team sports an Olympic rings tattoo as she takes part in a public training session during German Olympic swim team media day before the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games in Hamburg July 23, 2012. REUTERS-Morris Mac Matzen 
Разминка канадской пловчихи в «Водном центре» Лондона.

A Canadian swimmer stretches at the main pool at the Aquatics Centre before the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games in London July 26, 2012. REUTERS-David Gray 
Канадский лист и олимпийские кольца на спине Брента Хейдена.

A tattoo of a maple leaf and the Olympic rings is seen on the back of Canada's Brent Hayden as he attends a training session at the main pool of the Aquatics Centre before the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games in London July 25, 2012. REUTERS-Toby Melville

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